Property Description
Interested in this listing or have any questions? Please contact using info below:

Brad Hanson
- T: 07 4997 2227
- M: 0408 684 612
“Outstanding Soil Health + Highly Improved Pastures = Grazing Powerhouse”
1367.84 ha (3380 acres) Freehold
Located 19 km North of Moura, 68km West of Biloela, 172km South of Rockhampton.
Prolific, heavy carrying soft wood scrub & melon hole country.
Fully developed improved pastures and legumes.
627 ha (1550 ac) of Leucaena.
5 fully interconnected dams, 8 tanks and 22 troughs.
Large timber cattle yards connected to centralised laneway.
Currently managed under cell grazing system.
Low-set, Queenslander styled homestead with 3 bedrooms
PMAV of 99% category X
Full Plant included in sale.
“Shingle Hut” offers unrivalled grazing capacity and superior country type. Properties of this calibre and substance are rarely offered in the heart of the Dawson valley.
Auction: 11am Thursday 20th March, 2025 at Moura Bowls Club.
Inspections by appointment only.
Brad Hanson 0408 684 612
Brad Passfield 0459 160 791
A full Information Memorandum for “Shingle Hut” is available on request. Please email to request a copy.
“Outstanding Soil Health + Highly Improved Pastures = Grazing Powerhouse”
1367.84 ha (3380 acres) Freehold
Located 19 km North of Moura, 68km West of Biloela, 172km South of Rockhampton.
Prolific, heavy carrying soft wood scrub & melon hole country.
Fully developed improved pastures and legumes.
627 ha (1550 ac) of Leucaena.
5 fully interconnected dams, 8 tanks and 22 troughs.
Large timber cattle yards connected to centralised laneway.
Currently managed under cell grazing system.
Low-set, Queenslander styled homestead with 3 bedrooms
PMAV of 99% category X
Full Plant included in sale.