Property Description
Interested in this listing or have any questions? Please contact using info below:

Brad Hanson
- T: 07 4997 2227
- M: 0408 684 612
- 551.2ha (1,364 acres) Freehold plus additional area – 37.8ha (95ac)
- Located 16km North of Theodore, 100km South West of Biloela
- Excellent mix of brigalow and bauhinia softwood scrub soils running into sandy loam creek flats
- Extensive pasture development has been carried out including 280 acres of Leucaena
- Securely watered by 1 dam, equipped with solar pump, 2 x 5,000-gallon tanks, 17 troughs and 2.45km of dual frontage to Lonesome Creek
- Property fenced into 9 paddocks plus holding paddocks newly constructed laneway system
- Solid steel cattle yards including vet crush and branding facilities with cooler connected
- Homestead is a 4 brm, 1 bth plus office, A/c, fully screened sundeck with landscaped gardens
- 3 sheds – Double car shed with storage area, machinery shed/workshop and woolshed/storage shed
- Optimum location to all Central Queensland livestock markets
“Frogs Hollow”, Theodore Qld for sale by Auction, 11am, Thursday 15th of August 2024 at the Moura Tavern.
“Frogs Hollow” offers an extensively developed property, with a solid mix of country, secure water and diverse grazing opportunities.
Inspections by appointment only.
Brad Hanson 0408 684 612
Information Memorandum
A full Information Memorandum is available upon request. Please email to receive a copy.
Video Link:
- 551.2ha (1,364 acres) Freehold plus additional area – 37.8ha (95ac)
- Located 16km North of Theodore, 100km South West of Biloela
- Excellent mix of brigalow and bauhinia softwood scrub soils running into sandy loam creek flats
- Extensive pasture development has been carried out including 280 acres of Leucaena
- Securely watered by 1 dam, equipped with solar pump, 2 x 5,000-gallon tanks, 17 troughs and 2.45km of dual frontage to Lonesome Creek
- Property fenced into 9 paddocks plus holding paddocks newly constructed laneway system
- Solid steel cattle yards including vet crush and branding facilities with cooler connected
- Homestead is a 4 brm, 1 bth plus office, A/c, fully screened sundeck with landscaped gardens
- 3 sheds – Double car shed with storage area, machinery shed/workshop and woolshed/storage shed
- Optimum location to all Central Queensland livestock markets
“Frogs Hollow”, Theodore Qld for sale by Auction, 11am, Thursday 15th of August 2024 at the Moura Tavern.
“Frogs Hollow” offers an extensively developed property, with a solid mix of country, secure water and diverse grazing opportunities.
Inspections by appointment only.
Brad Hanson 0408 684 612
Information Memorandum
A full Information Memorandum is available upon request. Please email to receive a copy.
Video Link: