Cattle Description
73 x 73 Cows & Calves/Weaners
- Mixed Ages. Mostly younger types.
- Mixed in frame and breed type and also calf ages.
- Ideal trade mob.
- Rejoined to Brahman bulls.
- Well handled and quiet.
- $3000 + GST per unit on property 250km North Moura
Please contact Brad Passfield: 0459 160 791
73 x 73 Cows & Calves/Weaners
- Mixed Ages. Mostly younger types.
- Mixed in frame and breed type and also calf ages.
- Ideal trade mob.
- Rejoined to Brahman bulls.
- Well handled and quiet.
- $3000 + GST per unit on property 250km North Moura
Please contact Brad Passfield: 0459 160 791